Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not Missing...Just Busy

I really haven't been sitting around eating bon bons and watching soap operas. I have been putting in some long hours trying to get all of my projects finished for the bazaar. I currently have about 130 items done with at least another 25 -30 that I want to complete before next Friday. If you live in the state of Washington and have nothing better to do then come to a small town called Elma (about 20 miles west of Olympia) where one of the best bazaars around is being held. It is held at the Grays Harbor county fairgrounds on November 21-22. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mention you saw my blog and get 20% discount off of one item. I would love to see y'all there.Here are a few of the canvas signs I have been working on.

Add some JOY to your holiday.

Here is a bargain I found at a thrift store for $4.00She ain't pretty or very clean.
But I could see some possibilities in her.

Some black paint and some pretty cherry fabric gave this little magazine table a fresh start.I can't decide if I should put some red lettering on the bottom panel. What do you think? How about "Magazines" or "Inspire" or ???


  1. More cute, cute stuff. I am sure you will not leave there with anything left over. I so wish I lived closer, I would just come buy a bunch of stuff and talk to ya for the day. LOL



  2. Your stuff is awesome! Love the family rules plaque. Would you consider mailing it? Pretty please.

  3. I'd be there in a heartbeat if it wouldn't take me a bazillion hours to get there.. HA! You certainly have been working hard.. I can't believe you have that many wonderful items.. your awesome Connie. Love what you did the magazine rack!

  4. Really adorable items. I'm down in Santa Barbara and I'm involved in a show next weekend too. There are 19 vendors total. I've been getting things ready the past few days.

  5. Good luck with your bazaar. You've got some great stuff there so be prepared to be one busy lady!

  6. Love your creations! And I love your take on the family rules-I've seen those on several blogs but I like that you can read yours better with the middle a solid color.
