Saturday, October 10, 2009

Last of the Summer Flowers

So sad to see summer go. My flowers are giving one last big HOORAH. One of these mornings I will wake up to see these beauties all bent and, well you know, ...dead. When the long winter months set in I can refer back to these photos and it will give me new hope for spring. Your days are numbered, pretty flowers, but I will enjoy you for a little while more.
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  1. Thanks for checking out my craft desk redo! It's so sad to see the summer flowers go...your's are beautiful! Kristen

  2. OMG, I love your blog header. That just warmed my heart. I am trying to find the harvest blocks to order a set. I saw them on Cheries site. Love, love, love them.

  3. Wow! You do have some amazing flowers!! That would make it hard to have the summer pass. My yard doesn't change all that much when it gets cold:) I'll just have to enjoy your pictures too!

  4. You do/did have some beautiful flowers! You'll have them again next year so you can look forward to that!
