Friday, October 9, 2009

Building Inventory, One Item At A Time

I know you have all seen these $1 frames at Michaels before. I am trying to build up my inventory and have taken a liking to these simple wood frames.
I've been busy, hopefully I will stay that way so I can get my inventory built up for the bazaar next month. I have also been playing around with the Picasa program trying to get some variety on my blog. I have enjoyed other creative bloggers layouts and have wondered how they get these wonderful collages on their blogs. Now hopefully I can bring a little more personality to my blog too.

Posted by PicasaI have linked up with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Take a minute to go check out some really creative ideas from fellow bloggers, I promise you will be inspired.


  1. Connie, i love what you've done with your blog.

    I too love Picasa.

    Those frames are awesome. I wish you LOTS of sales at your bazaar! If I was a betting woman (which I'm not) those are going to sell like crazy!

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I so appreciate them.

  2. You really have a lovely talent!
    Good luck with your Bazaar!

  3. Oh, I am so sure your Bazaar will be a success. You have such lovely stuff and your talent is so evident.

    I was wondering if your vinyl works on the outside window of cars?


  4. VERY cute! Nice collage too. You are getting the hang of things.

  5. I love all of your frames and great job on the collage!! I would love to learn how to do that!! Good luck at the bizaar next month, although it doesn't look like you'll need luck with talent like yours:)
    Thanks for linking!!
    ~Andy @ Poppies@Play

  6. You really made those?! They are amazing :)

  7. Your frames are too cute! Thanks for sharing! ~Ashley

  8. Your frames look great. Good luck at the bazaar. I need to try picasa too. Thanks for sharing.

  9. How clever-- the frames are terrific!

  10. I use Picasa too and have for about a year or so now. I also use Picnic for their fonts and frames.

  11. Love those! Maybe a giveaway in the works??? hint hint...

  12. Connie...I love these frames!! Very, very cute!! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. I apprecaite your kind words and the visit. Come again soon!!


  13. I love everything about these frames! Can anyone say Christmas presents!?! The possibilities are endless.

  14. Your frames are very sweet!!!

    If you haven't already come link up to my Room a Month Link party (Every Monday!)

  15. I love your header --- the photo is enchanting!!

    Your little frames are also so cute.

  16. thank you so much for visiting my blog...your talents are amazing! I will be following you!

  17. Wow--love those frames!!

    Hey--what is the secret with the picassa--when I try to do that they change the size of the pics and get them every which way--I gave up!
