Tuesday, August 25, 2009

'Tis the Season...for canning that is.

August signals the season for harvesting and canning and so my daughter Maria and I got down to business. Now mind you, I haven't done too much canning over the last 10 years. When all four kids were still at home I did put up quite a bit of fruit, vegetables and jams. I even canned my own chili, clam chowder and garden veggie soup. It was a lot of work but oh so rewarding to look at my shelves filled with good food and know that there wasn't anything artificial added or ingredients I couldn't even pronounce. Now that my children are married and have families they are more willing to learn how to can for themselves {none of them were ever interested when they were still at home}. Below is Maria sharing the "peach guts". We started off canning dry white beans and red bean. These were done just for the convienance. She makes white chicken chili a lot during the winter and thought it would be handy to have some jars on hand for quick meals after church on Sunday's.
We also canned beets right out of her garden. They were sure "colorful" while we cooked them, such a pretty color of dark magenta. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the beets in jars.
The red beans precooking before being put into the jars for processing
More "peach guts" that were sent out for the chickens and goats to enjoy.
Getting the canner kettle filled so we could get these beauties processed.
Here I am with Maria enjoying the feeling of accomplishment. Notice the lettering on the wall behind us...Memories. That's what we were really making. Believe it or not we had a blast.
You will never find peaches in the store as good as home canned.
Don't those look yummy?

1 comment:

  1. That was fun, but my brothers better eat everyone of those little beauties!
