Sunday, August 30, 2009

Three Makeovers-Before and After

I was able to get three project completed from Goodwill finds. The first one is a wood tray purchased a month or so ago. I scraped off all of the old paint because it was thick and had ridges in it. I repainted it white and then...
painted the center with chalkboard paint. I then added vinyl dots and put "Messages" in vinyl lettering also.

I didn't get this picture rotated before I posted, but you get the idea.

Here are some ugly plastic gold frames that were begging for a makeover.

Painted black and mounting these cute chicken prints from an old calendar was just what these frames were meant to look like.

And lastly, here is a "beauty" from GW.

Srpay painted black (sprayed with primer first) and some vinyl lettering and I have a whole new look for this platter.
For more unique makeovers and metamorphsis' head on over to Between Naps On The Porch and see what others have created. Link up here.



  1. I LOVE all three of these! Congrats on getting them all done. Those roosters are sitting pretty in their new frames! And I love the little tray with vinyl lettering. You've given me an idea...hmmmm.
    p.s. stop by and check out my giveaway. :0)

  2. Great transformations! If you woul dbe so kind to share...What font did you use for the Bistro plate?

    Happy Met Monday!

  3. Love the painted plate with the lettering!

  4. LOVE the Cafe Bistro.

    I hope you will come by for a visit.
    Its So Very Cheri

  5. The rooster prints turn out great! I cannot believe those pictures were from a calendar. Very impressive. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the canning post. I think your daughter is lucky to have a mom who can teach her this art. I would love to hear about how she makes her white chicken chili. It sounds so yummy. Take care.

  6. Wow.. great job on those make overs. I LOVE roosters.. those are fantastic. Great looking chalk board & plate.

    Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment on my blog. Maria was my first follower and my first commenter, and I so wish we lived closer.. I think we'd be great pals in real life.. HA!

    Thanks too for displaying my blog button.
    I hope you stop by again, and never be shy to leave
    me a comment. I will add your blog to my blog roll as well.

    Take Care,

  7. Your talent keeps shining through. I wish the bazaars you were going to set up at were closer to me. ;-)

    I have a few Goodwill makeovers I am working on, can't wait to share.

    Hope you are doing well.


  8. L O V E your style and the black is oh so fabulous. Good thrifty finds and wonderful project results.

  9. 3 great make overs. Your lettering is fab. I wouldn't have thought to paint the glass dish.

  10. more awesome projects? i can see that i better get off of your site soon, I could spend all day drooling over your stuff!
