Friday, July 24, 2009

Vacation Fun On the Oregon Coast

Here is 8 year old Matthew getting fancy on his quad.
Our annual trip to the Oregon coast was pretty fun this year. The weather was a little drippy for the first day and a half but then got better for us the rest of the week. Riding on the dunes, making smores around the campfire, a one day trip to the aquarium at Newport and a little shopping in Florence was some of the fun things we did. We didn't have to rough it too much because we all had generators for the trailers and a satellite dish hooked up to two televisions. It is so nice to go to sleep at night listening to the ocean, very soothing until you started thinking about tsunami's and earthquakes, then not so much.
>The only casualty for the week was Matthew's wreck on his four-wheeler when he rear-ended Grandpa and was thrown off his bike. He got a pretty fat lip and a bruise on his leg but other than that everyone faired pretty well.

Our camping spot was a little smaller than we are used to but it still wasn't so bad, other than not having running water or a fire pit. It is definately primitive camping. You have to go to a nearby campground to fill water jugs for the trailers.

Matthew is sitting inside a tube where you can see the fish all around you. It kind of felt like you were on display for the fish to watch you instead of the other way around.

Now this was an interesting fellow.

Spencer is fascinated with the sea horses, just look at his eyes.

Here is a friendly sea horse. The blue glass looking sculptures were really beautiful additions to the aquariums.

This fish looks almost like a painting. He had a really flat face. Another fish is swimming just behind it so it makes it look like a funnel on the fishes face.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed my first visit here tonight!

    I grew up camping, but not prim. camping...not koa either. We always had water near by and a fire ring was a must. However, I lived in Colorado for 10 yrs and camped in the mtns...tent with an out house...beautiful country, but smelly. (me and the bathroom!)
