Monday, March 9, 2009

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FOR TODAY March 9, 2009
Outside my window...Clouds, sunshine occasionally and sometimes snow

I am thinking...How much fun we had having Landon spend the weekend with us. What a blessing to have grandchildren living so close that we can build strong bonds with them.

I am thankful for...Friends and family. The FHE group are coming here tonight for a spiritual lesson, refreshments (banana cream pie) and fellowship.

From the learning rooms...Going to register for spring quarter at school today.

From the kitchen...I really need to clean out the refrigerator, I don't know how I manage to let little dishes of leftovers accumulate, but somehow they seem to multiply. I guess I don't feel as guilty throwing out food once it starts growing little green hairs on it. (I can't believe I just admitted that)

I am wearing...Beige sweatshirt and green cords

I am creating...I will be making 2 baby quilts for our book club to put together layettes for the hospital

I am going...To the college to register for classes at 2:00 p.m.

I am reading...Blogs (too many, I must budget my time and not spend so much time doing this while I have other more pressing matters to attend to.

I am hoping...For better weather.

I am hearing...Big band music playing. I love the big band era.

Around the house...Need to do some tidying up before company tonight

One of my favorite things...Being inspired by others talents.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Classes, quiz, homework, bookclub.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...This is our sweet Landon who spent the weekend with us.


  1. That sure is a cute kid. I wonder who he belongs too! Thanks so much for having him. Robb and I had such a great weekend!

  2. Connie,

    I LOVE this format for thinking "simply"! I really love it. I'm going to try it tomorrow!

    Thank you so much for your visit and comment to Mona's Musings. If you decide to sign on as a follower, I wanted you to know that I send a comp CD set tfrom "With Mine Own Hand: The Musical Account of Nephi" (see link on Mona's Musings) to all new followers. If you register, email your mailing address to me at:

    I would LOVE to get to know you better through your comments and blog.

    Your newest friend,

    P.S. I post a new Musing every Sunday evening and the discussion starts hoppin' and runs all week long.

  3. Hurray Connie! I just went through the "simple" list and it felt so good!

    Don't forget to send me your address for the CD's.


  4. Hmm. That’s strange. Well, just send it to me at

    You know what?? I haven’t even looked out the window! Okay. No snow. I have to drive to Seattle tomorrow – so cross your fingers!
