But, WHAT IS THIS??????????????????????????
The good news is that I got an award, my first one. I am so excited and honored that my wonderful daughter was kind enough to pass this award on to me, she is awesome. Go check out her blog, here she has a very cute blog, (and she has 3 children, two of which she homeschools, 3 pigmy goats, 1 horse, 1 dog, 1 cat and a very handsome husband). She also makes homemade bread, plants a garden, makes her own jam and cans applesauce, has a very cute house that is always (well mostly) tidy and clean, has a beautiful yard and I can't forget her chickens, excuse me, her Ladies. She is the one responsible for getting me to start my blog, (my husband is often heard grumbling in the background that he can never get on the computer now).
I now have the privilege of choosing someone else whom I think is deserving of this Lovely Blog Award. I choose a special person for this award, Cecelia because she was one of the first followers of my blog and because she is a wonderful person. My first time on her blog I read a post about "paying it forward" and how she does this kind of thing regularly. I just knew she was a sweet soul, and she is. Here's one for you Cecelia.