Sand Dunes and Four Wheelers

I will be posting some more of our favorite sand dune and four wheeler pictures as soon as I can figure out how to work picasa a little better. Stay tuned for more...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sign for New Baby

I made this sign as a special order for a customer. I was really pleased with how it turned out, although I would probably use a different ribbon next time. My picture taking abilities need some work but if you double click on the picture it should enlarge so you can see the writing better.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh Spring, Where Art Thou?

I am missing some color in my yard. Dead plants are not very appealing. Every time I walk by the daffodils and crocuses and see their heads poking through the dirt it gives me new hope. I guess for now I will post some pictures of my yard in past years when they were looking their best and look forward to just a few short months from now that they will be majestic again.

"Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God.."
Ezekiel 28:13

The flower bed on the left is the first flower bed I put in when we moved it 9 years ago. On the right is a picture of my first attempt at growing roses. We have since put an addition on the house and had to remove the roses to a holding bed until I can find a permanent home for them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rewards of Studying

Well I took my first test in medical terminology. Now mind you, I have procrastinated doing much with this class because it is a do-it-yourself kind of class. Every time I started to get motivated to open the book and get started I would somehow veer off and get sidetracked. I started making the flash cards that they say will help you to memorize the terms and only got about 1/3 of them done. I would try to study and memorize but (did I mention I get easily sidetracked?) I would find something else to do.
Finally, after much frustration I set my mind to JUST DO IT! I studied hard for a solid week and even had Jim hold up the flash cards until I could name every one of them. Then I did some review work and mock tests with a CD that came with the book. I was feeling like it was now or never to take the test (plus I only had one more week to take the first of the tests) so I marched into the testing center and was ready to begin...
...then they handed me a written test to take............................skreechhhhhh!
I had prepared in my mind that it would be a test on the computer similar to the mock tests on the CD, but noooooooooooooooo! I had to do a hand written test. I put my shoulder to the wheel and pushed along and took that darn test. When I was done I left with my head down and feeling pretty much like I had failed my first test of my college career.
Fast forward 48 hours and..........................
I got my results...with dread and embarrassment I looked at my score and couldn't believe my eyes, an 83% or a "B". WhoooHooo!
The moral of the story is: Don't Procrastinate, Study Hard and be Prepared. Oh ya, saying a quick prayer doesn't hurt either